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Ein Paar von der Großen Pros Poker

[ English ]

Ohne Zweifel Millionen von Menschen sein wollen, die nächsten "big-time thing" im Poker, aber hier ist ein kurzer Überblick über die vier von der bekannteren "charmante Jungs" von Poker. Trotz der Tatsache, dass "nett" ist mit ihren Namen, wenn Sie spielen, sie ist es "no more Mr. Nice Guy", bis sie euch von der Konkurrenz außer Betrieb gesetzt eingeloggt!

Daniel Negreanu

In Two Thousand and Four, seine Turnier Gewinne beliefen sich auf über 4,4 Millionen Dollar und er kam sofort mit zwei immens bewundert Auszeichnungen in der World Series of Poker Player of the Year und Kartenspieler Magazine Wettbewerb Player of the Year. Im Februar zweitausendsechs er wurde gewählt Card Player Lieblings-Poker-Spieler. Er hat sogar noch die Demut zu sprechen, seine Bewunderer, wie sie ihre eigene Spiel zu verbessern.

Howard Lederer

Bekannt als "The Professor" und Bruder von Kolleginnen und Poker-Profi Annie Duke. Seine Leistungen haben zu ihm machen ein Bildungs-Poker-Video namens "Secrets of No Limit Hold'em" und auch im Besitz einer Poker-Turnier für Fox zeigen. Wie von zwei tausend und fünf, seine komplette Lebensdauer der Verdienst über $ 2,7 Millionen.

Scotty Nguyen

Scott ist 1 zu den verkehrsreichsten in der professionellen Poker-Spieler und zwischen 2000 und 2004 galt er in der Leistungs-Verhältnis in weit über hundert Veranstaltungen. Er ist zu sagen "yeah baby" im Poker-Spiele und auch mit dem Begriff "Baby, dass Poker" als Anspielung auf eine ganz besonders schlecht schlagen gutgeschrieben wurde zur Kenntnis genommen. Seit 2006 sind seine Karriere Gewinne fast sechs Millionen Dollar.

Chris Ferguson

Chris hat fünf World Series of Poker gewann zwei Titel mit seiner Siege im Jahr 2003 passiert. Hat die alias "Jesus" durch sein Markenzeichen, langen Haaren und Bart, mit seiner Fähigkeit, Karten zu werfen schnell genug, um durch die Gurken und Bananen geschnitten. Ab dem Jahr 2005 seine gesamten Poker-Turnier Gewinn über $ 5 Millionen.

Una coppia di professionisti di grande Poker

[ English ]

Di là di un dubbio milioni di persone vogliono essere il prossimo "big time-cosa" nel poker, ma ecco un breve riassunto su quattro delle più note "ragazzi di charme" di poker. Nonostante il fatto che "bello" è collegato con i loro nomi quando si gioca loro è "No More Mr. Nice Guy" fino a che hanno messo fuori del concorso!

Daniel Negreanu

Nel duemila e quattro, le sue vincite ammontano a torneo in eccesso di 4,4 milioni di dollari e lui è venuto via con due premi immensamente ammirato nella World Series of Poker Player of the Year e Cardplayer Player Magazine of the Year Competition. Nel febbraio del duemila e sei, egli è stato scelto Card Player's Favourite Poker Player. Ha persino ha ancora l'umiltà di parlare con i suoi ammiratori su come possono migliorare il loro gioco.

Howard Lederer

Conosciuto come "Il Professore" e il fratello del poker colleghi pro Annie Duke. I suoi risultati hanno portato a lui fare un video didattico poker denominata "I segreti di No Limit Hold'em" e anche in possesso di un torneo di poker show per la Fox. Del duemilacinque, i suoi guadagni tempo di vita completo superiore a $ 2,7 milioni.

Scotty Nguyen

Scott è 1 degli attori più attivi nel poker professionali e tra il 2000 e il 2004 è classificato tra i soldi in oltre un centinaio di eventi. Egli è noto per dire "yeah baby" durante le partite di poker e anche accreditato con il termine "che il bambino poker" quando si allude a un ritmo particolarmente brutto. A partire dal 2006, la sua carriera di vincita sono quasi sei milioni di dollari.

Chris Ferguson

Chris ha vinto cinque World Series of Poker titoli con due dei suoi vittorie accadendo nel 2003. È lo pseudonimo di "Gesù" a causa del suo marchio di fabbrica capelli lunghi e barba, con la sua capacità di gettare le carte abbastanza veloce per tagliare i sottaceti e le banane. Dal 2005 i suoi guadagni totali torneo di poker superato i 5 milioni.

Un couple de Pros de la Grande-Poker

[ English ]

Au delà d'un doute, des millions des personnes veulent être le prochain "big time-chose» dans le poker, mais voici un dégradé court sur quatre des plus connu «Les gars de charme" de poker. Malgré le fait que "Nice" est liée à leurs noms quand vous les jouez, il est «pas plus Mr. Nice Guy" jusqu'à ce qu'ils vous ont mis hors de la compétition!

Daniel Negreanu

En deux mille quatre, son vainqueur tournoi s'élève à plus de 4,4 millions de dollars et il a remporté deux récompenses immensément admiré dans les World Series of Poker joueur de l'année et Joueur de la concurrence Cardplayer Magazine de l'Année. En Février deux mille six, il a été choisi Card Player's Favourite Poker Player. Il a toujours la même humilité que de parler à ses admirateurs sur la façon dont ils peuvent améliorer leur propre jeu.

Howard Lederer

Connu sous le nom "The Professor" et frère du pro du poker Annie Duke. Ses réalisations ont conduit à lui faire une vidéo de poker éducatif nommé «Secrets of No Limit Hold'em" et contenant également une exposition de tournois de poker pour la Fox. À partir de deux mille cinq, ses résultats complets de longue durée dépasse 2,7 millions $.

Scotty Nguyen

Scott est 1 des joueurs les plus fréquentés de poker professionnel et entre 2000 et 2004 il s'est classé dans l'argent dans plus d'une centaine d'événements. Il est reconnu pour dire «yeah baby» pendant les matches de poker et aussi crédité avec le terme "That's Poker Baby" en parlant à un rythme particulièrement mauvaises. En 2006, ses gains de carrière sont près de six millions de dollars.

Chris Ferguson

Chris a remporté cinq titres de World Series of Poker avec deux de ses victoires qui se passe en 2003. A l'alias "Jésus" en raison de sa marque de fabrique de longs cheveux et sa barbe, de même que sa capacité à lancer des cartes assez rapidement pour couper à travers les cornichons et les bananes. A partir de 2005 au total de ses gains tournoi de poker a dépassé 5 millions de dollars.

Un par de grandes profesionales de Poker

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Más allá de una duda, millones de personas quieren ser el próximo "tiempo de gran cosa" en el póker, pero aquí es un resumen corto en cuatro de los más conocidos "chicos encantadores" del poker. A pesar de que "bueno" está relacionado con sus nombres cuando se está jugando con ellos es "no más chico Mr. Nice" Hasta que te han puesto fuera de la competencia!

Daniel Negreanu

En dos mil cuatro, sus ganancias torneo ascendió a más de 4,4 millones de dólares y se fueron con dos premios inmensamente admirada en el World Series of Poker Jugador del Año y el Jugador de Competencia jugador de cartas de la revista del año. En febrero de dos mil seis, fue elegido Jugador Favorito Card Poker Player. Incluso aún tiene la humildad de hablar con sus admiradores, sobre cómo pueden mejorar su propio juego.

Howard Lederer

Conocido como "El Profesor" y el hermano de otro profesional de póquer Annie Duke. Sus logros le han llevado a hacer un video poker educativo llamado "Secretos de Hold'em Sin Límite", y también celebración de un espectáculo de torneos de póquer para Fox. A partir de dos mil cinco, sus ingresos de tiempo completo de vida superior a $ 2,7 millones.

Scotty Nguyen

Scott es 1 de los más activos jugadores de póquer profesional y entre 2000 y 2004 se clasificó en el dinero en más de cien eventos. También es famoso por decir "yeah baby" durante los partidos de póquer y también se acredita con el término "de que el bebé de póquer" cuando se alude a un ritmo particularmente malo. A partir de 2006, sus ganancias de carrera son casi seis millones de dólares.

Chris Ferguson

Chris ha ganado cinco títulos de la Serie Mundial de Poker, con dos de sus victorias sucediendo en 2003. Tiene el alias de "Jesús" barba debido a su marca el pelo largo y, junto con su capacidad de lanzar las tarjetas lo suficientemente rápido para cortar a través encurtidos y los plátanos. A partir de 2005 sus ingresos totales torneo de póquer superaron los $ 5 millones.

Getting aquainted with Online Poker Matches

When you are betting your normal week night poker game with your friends, you can depend on watching your buddy’s appearance and catching those habits that give hints into what he is holding in his hand. With online poker games however, you don’t have that one-on-one involvement. It requires time, but you will after a while figure out what cards your web opponents may hold in a game.

The best element of online poker is that you are able to bet basically whenever, anyplace. People from all around the world are betting so you can play some net poker at the same table with a German and a Australian one day and a French and a Brazilian player the next. You might sit at your coffee table with a bagel and orange juice and play web poker on your pc or even sitting in an airport terminal waiting to be called. The basic line is that net poker matches are portable.

Keep in mind that web poker matches are going to bemove at a quicker pace than a normal weekend game with the guys. You do not always have time to think about a poker hand like you might if you wagered in person. In fact, you probably will end up wagering on two to three hands of net poker hands to 1 hand of poker that’s bet on in person.

Perhaps one of the greatest aspects of gambling on poker online is that you have a number of games to choose from. texas holdem, omaha hi-low, Seven Card Stud … these are just a couple of your options available to you. And you can continuously find available web poker games playing at differing skill levels so that you can select one that ideally fits you.

Web Casino Poker – The Next Huge Thing?

[ English ]

With the boom of online casinos one game has absolutely come out on top, and that’s online poker. Poker has normally been a crowd pleaser at the land based casinos but it was never really over displayed. There were consistently an equal number of other casino games to choose from. But now that casino wagering has made its way on to the internet, poker seems to be the most commanding force in the industry. There are complete internet betting house websites devoted completely to the game of poker.

Poker has generally faired well at physical betting houses and in friendly circles. The perception of a group of buddies getting together in a smoke filled room to gamble on poker is an good old stereotype but it’s still absolutely exists. The reason that poker is so popular is largely because of the coverage boost it has received. Live television broadcasting of high stakes poker tournament frequently endorsed by net casinos have done wonders for advancing poker awareness on the internet.

TV stars have been swift to support the card game and even a number of poker casinos on the internet. Poker is also well-loved seeing as it’s a game that involves more than just the luck of the draw or the push of a button. Net poker needs hard skills, brains, tactics and a lot of practice.

A Couple of of Poker’s Great Pros

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Beyond a doubt millions of individuals want to be the next "big-time thing" in poker, but here is a short rundown on four of the more well known "charming guys" of poker. Despite the fact that "nice" is connected with their names when you are playing them it is "no more Mr. Nice guy" up until they have put you out of the competition!

Daniel Negreanu

In Two Thousand and Four, his tourney winnings amounted to in excess of 4.4 million dollars and he came away with two immensely admired awards in the World Series of Poker Player of the Year and Cardplayer Magazine’s Competition Player of the Year. In February Two Thousand and Six he was chosen Card Player’s Favourite Poker Player. He even still has the humility to speak to his admirers about how they can improve their own game.

Howard Lederer

Known as "The Professor" and brother of fellow poker pro Annie Duke. His achievements have lead to him making an educational poker video named "Secrets of No Limit Hold’em" and also holding a tournament poker show for Fox. As of Two Thousand and Five, his complete life time earnings exceed $2.7 million.

Scotty Nguyen

Scott is 1 of the busiest players in professional poker and between 2000 and 2004 he ranked in the money in well over one hundred events. He is noted for saying "yeah baby" during poker matches and also credited with the term "that’s poker baby" when alluding to a particularly bad beat. As of 2006, his career winnings are almost six million dollars.

Chris Ferguson

Chris has won five World Series of Poker titles with two of his wins happening in 2003. Has the alias "Jesus" due to his trademark long hair and beard, along with his ability to throw cards fast enough to cut through pickles and bananas. As of 2005 his total poker tourney earnings exceeded $5 million.

Terrible Fortune in Poker

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

For a match where most players rarely consider fortune, there are lots of superstitions in poker. When you say that a player was lucky in that poker tournament they won, be careful of how you say it. For instance, if you mention that you were unfortunate, your chances may not change.

Ok, that might appear to be a bit ubsurd, but poker is a casino game loaded with superstitions. Did you know that if you’re wagering a game with 2 different decks and you’re asked to pick the deck, you should always select the deck of cards that’s the furthest away from you? Or, how about If you get a streak of bad cards, you must settle on a hankerchief to destroy your bad luck? It is certainly considered good luck to blow through a deck of cards when they are being randomized.

A few other interesting poker folklores are:

  • You might be able to alter the run of cards by walking around your chair three times.
  • The luckiest chair at the poker table looks at the entrance.
  • The unluckiest position has its rear to a fireplace.
  • When changing seats, you need to constantly do so following the clock.
  • The unluckiest poker card is the 4 of clubs.
  • It’s most unlucky to sit with your legs crossed at the poker table.
  • Sunday is a horrible day for gambling on cards.
  • The thirteenth is also a terrible day, despite when it falls during the week.

Biggest Poker Room

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Do you love gambling on poker, but having a tough time finding a game? Are brick and mortar poker rooms too far away or simply difficult to deal with? Of course your solution is to find the strongest poker room on the web and start to enjoy the opportunity to wager on poker any time you desire from the coziness of your domicile. The greatest poker room can make every aspect easy for you. You can sign up at no charge and make your deposits in a few convenient ways. Then you can start gambling immediately seeing that there are constantly free spots at tables.

The best poker sites tend to present you a varied selection of games to choose from which includes Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo, Seven Card Stud, and the widely prominent Texas Holdem. You can choose the amount you want to play for because there are poker tables that provide low stakes, large stakes, and anything in the middle. The greatest poker sites might also present a few distinctive tournaments to pick from. If you like tournament play you can compete in one or multiple-table events. The buy-ins are frequently cheap, even for the multiple-table events, and there are awesome pay outs provided.

The best poker sites will give you great client service accompanied with deposit rewards and a number of incentives. Your account is at all times one hundred percent secure and your confidentiality is defended. There is never any added weight at a top notch poker room so you make all of the decisions about when to wager and how much to wager for. If you like poker the net poker is for you.

Hold'em Stratégie – Succès Concepts Poker

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Avant de vous asseoir toujours à une table à carte, peu importe si c'est à un casino sur terre ou dans ou à votre bureau pour parier sur ligne, vous devez être dans la trame correct d'esprit. Le poker est un jeu de réflexion en dehors de votre concurrent, tout comme les échecs. Donc, votre esprit doit en tout temps être claire et fraîche. Ne jamais parier sur le poker quand vous êtes épuisé, triste, ni avoir d'autres difficultés. C'est ce qui rend même les plus grands joueurs perdent.

Sauf si vous jouez avec la progéniture de votre sœur ou de l'excitation dans la nuit de jeu de la famille, la difficulté du jeu est de faire $$$$. Vous devez regarder chaque joueur, vous jouez comme un autre dépôt dans votre compte. Si vous pariez sur des cartes souvent chaque semaine, inscrivez vos réussites et les gaspillages. Cela peut vous aider à découvrir où vous pourriez avoir dans votre jeu et combien votre jeu de poker est en fait vous rendre.

Le défi du poker est de gagner en espèces, mais ce n'est pas ce que vous devriez être en tête pendant que vous jouez. Vous devriez vraiment mettre l'accent sur faire le bon choix à chaque fois que c'est votre chance de faire appel, par chèque ou pari. Toujours se concentrer sur la conduite la plus forte choix à l'instance, sans vous soucier de l'argent. En définitive, le plus de bonnes actions que vous effectuez dans un jeu, plus d'argent vous pourriez gagner.

Il est très possible de faire la bonne action et en fin de compte, renoncer à la main, mais vous ne serez pas gaspiller dans le long terme. Le seul point à garder à l'esprit quand vous jouez au poker est que tous les fonds proviennent d'erreurs. La plus améliorée que vous obtenez à la prise de décision, plus votre bankroll obtiendrez.